My Story, My Plan


James Michael Carey

Hello, I am James Carey, Director and visionary for WinABuild.

My goal with WinABuild is to provide an opportunity for anyone to have there dream renovation, regardless of their circumstances. We aim to provide huge prizes and potentially new dream homes, whether to convert their current home or to simply purchase a new one. 

We are currently at stage 1 

We are offering smaller prizes for very little costs, from gift-cards, to tool sets, with our biggest prize currently set at £25k to be used for home renovations. 

To help generate sales we aim to provide local East Sussex residents a type of giveaway, where they can win a tradesmen for the day, you will still need to purchase a ticket to take part, however 80% of the total proceeds will be going to charity, giving us 20% to use for materials. Unfortunately we are not a position to use our own personal income. And with WinABuild being so young, we have no profits to be able to use to buy materials, however as time goes on and sales pick up we aim to launch the giveaway prize and 100% of the proceeds will go to charity. 

The next stage will be to launch bigger prizes, and once we start making profit, to use this profit to provide surprise renovations to unbeknown clients, whether through shout outs from socials, word of mouth or appeals from friends and family. 

Imagine coming home from a random prize holiday to walk into a brand new kitchen! This would be my dream, let alone providing this dream for others. 

So why am I doing this?

I am in the same boat as most homeowners, I myself couldn’t afford to renovation my home on a large scale, I am using what savings I have to upgrade my home bit by bit, and very slowly, as I have to do all the work myself. 

I thought to myself, I wish there was an easy way to provide works for clients, and keep it cheap, but there simply isn’t, I need to earn a living to keep my kids fed and the bills paid, and believe me, I may own a nice building company, but I’m certainly not wealthy enough to afford a new kitchen. So how else can we provide this service, how about a competition, If I could just get enough sales to cover the build costs, we can provide this service. 

And here we are, It is really early doors for me right now, as I write this, I haven’t sold 1 ticket, so I’m starting with nothing, however I have invested in the website, the idea, the software and the social media. However I do believe what we offer will change people’s lives, so why not, buy a ticket, and stand a chance to renovate your home. 

Alongside changing lucky clients with dramatic renovations, we also will donate 20% of total proceeds to charity. 

I currently have 2 charities in mind, and I am really looking forward to donating to these.

The first charity is Children with cancer trust, located in Willingdon, Eastbourne. The second being the East Sussex Foster Care Association. 

The East Sussex Foster Care Association hits me personally, being a foster child myself, who else knows what these children and teenagers go through. Eventually I would love to provide much more than simply donating, however, being such a sensitive subject around looked after children, we cant post or show off any events we attend or become involved with. However, I can at least contribute towards their wellbeing from the profits we hope to gain. 

Ultimately, this company is a competition, however we aim to provide more giveaways, surprise gifts and help those that really are struggling with their homes. I just need to create a turnover and profit first. 

Enter a competition with amazing odds today!