Please check this section to find answers to most common questions asked.
However, if you do not find the information you are looking for, please do not hesitate to get in touch!

How do I play?

WinABuild is built with you in mind! Playing is simple, buy a ticket for your chosen competition,
goodness buy two, three, four or five for a higher probability of winning and then sit tight.

We have
your detail, your email, telephone number and address. At a published time on the competition our
computer will draw a winner at random. That winner will then be contacted about how we get your
prize to you/for you.

It is as simple as that. The more tickets you buy, the more chance you have.

Buy your ticket now: Click Here

How do I enter?

Think of the WinABuild competitions like the competitions of ages gone by where people threw a
coin or ticket in pot and a winner was drawn at random.

Simple to imagine?

That’s WinABuild, you
purchase your ticket, or tickets, for your dream makeover, kitchen, bathroom, gift card or tool set.

Our computer system stores your unique ticket number in the system and at the specified date and
time it’s drawn from the pot.

All you have to do is purchase a ticket for your chosen competition, or a
bonus challenge ticket for your chance to win!

View our competitions now: Click Here

How many times can I enter?

There is no limit! Truly.

Unlike other competition websites we don’t restrict the number of tickets
you purchase.

So, purchase 100 £5 tickets for a £25,000 makeover and you have 100 chances to win
for £500.

The amount of tickets you buy is down to you and your budget. Please play responsibly and
gamble aware.

Who can enter?

Anyone, over the age of 18!

We remember the dreams we had of buying our first home, then
renovating that home, then extending that home, need I go on?

So our competitions are designed
for everyone.

A mortgage deposit for a first time buyer, a renovation on your home or family
members home (prize winners can transfer winnings to another party should they wish) or an
extension, conservatory or toward a second home, rental or holiday home.

How will I know when the completion ends?

The end time of a competition is stated on the competition page.

All competitions run for 8 weeks,
point of entry to the competition is up to you tickets can be bought at any point.

How will I know if I have won?

Win, or lose, WinABuild will email you within 24 hours of the competition ending to inform you.

If you have won, well, we will certainly be in touch via email and phone to inform you.

When will I get my prize?

Gimme, gimme, gimme, you have won, lets start! Depending on the prize you could have the
winnings within 5-7 working days.

For large renovations and builds we will aim to be quoting the job
within one month and completing the work, planning permission dependent within a year.

The prizes vary and so do the times.

Can I take cash?

Yes, but, cash prizes are a possibility but will be at 80% of the total prize won.

We will discuss this
with you at length.

Please see our terms and conditions for more information.

Who carries out the work, do I need to get quotes etc?

WinABuild partners with the very best and most elite building companies nationally.

We will do all
the work for you and make sure it’s a truly stress free experience.